The Conscious Movement sessions are invitations to draw your full attention inwards and relax into and be moved by music. To get in contact with yourself – allowing whatever is showing itself to be expressed through movement or stillness inviting the body’s wisdom to unfold. To let your soul dance…
This safe space allows the inner most delicate movements and feelings to come to surface waiting to be perceived, felt and expressed in one way or another. Free, non-linear & organic movements of your body manifest themselves naturally from within not following any technique – a deeply pure expression and exploration of yourself in every moment.
In the beginning a guided, moving meditation accompanies you to connect with your body and breath – coming into in-depth feeling – perceiving what wants to be expressed in a completely free and spontaneous way.
The selected pieces of music & sounds support your very unique unfolding. Organic, flowing, wild, gentle, static or still – you are invited to come into resonance – to feel how the sounds & pieces are touching you.
Discovering your body as the temple of your soul is a gift of conscious movement – an invitation to discover the inner power, wellbeing and real safety within your skin, to feel comfortable within yourself embracing every part of you. Finally, we allow everything which we experienced to settle and invite integration to take place in a deep relaxation and rest.
The Conscious Movement Sessions can be offered in different ways and through various topics – such as Rooting Yourself, Safe in Your Own Skin, Opening Your Heart & Cacao, Discover Your Wildness, In Connection With The Womb or Femininity.
We forget where the movements come from. They are born from life.
– Pina Bausch
1 session | 1.5 – 2.5 hrs • 20 – 35 euro