This offering on a one-to-one basis through in-person session work invites you into a safe space and container for getting in touch with your inner most being – allowing the unfolding of yourself in your very own rhythm – meeting the light and shadow aspects of your being.
You are invited to explore yourself deeply – the beliefs (core beliefs) you are carrying, patterns of behaviour playing out, protective mechanisms stored in the body and masks you are wearing through which you perceive and interpret yourself and the world around you.
An invitation to get to know you to the bone, to dive into your inner landscape of sensations, feelings and thoughts – in radical honesty and the willingness to meet yourself fully.
You will be accompanied to come into feeling, to encounter the body’s wisdom and intelligence. To listen deeply to yourself and give space for the guidance and whisper of the inner voice waiting to be heard and trusted in.
There will be no concept or ready-made script of the sessions. What awaits you is a non-linear work which unfolds in its very own and unique way – coming along with open awareness, deep listening and a holding space in presence – allowing your being to relax deeply within yourself, so that whatever wants to show itself will be be seen, felt and held consciously.
° There is absolutely no rush. We will move with your natural rhythm in slowness and patience.
° With each session we will dive deeper in the process.
° In the period between the sessions you will be supported by a regular practice of mindfulness (being offered individually to your process and topic).
Bodywork- and therapy
Becoming aware of blockages. Allowing energy to flow freely.
Prana Breath Massage
Portals of breath and sensations.
Councelling & Sharing
Conscious sharing and listening in brutal honesty and presence.
True seeing, feeling and being. A tool of Self-enquiry and exploration.
Being present & getting into feeling.
Conscious Touch & Movement
Conscious touch & non-linear movement.
Healing plant of Aztec and Mayas.
Ritual of Nature & Ceremony
Intention, letting go and connection.

conversation beforehand 30 min • free
BEGIN TO EXPLORE YOURSELF (available one-time)
3 sessions à 1.5 – 2.0 hr • 100 euro (per session)
session à 1.5 – 2.0 hr • 130 Euro
5 sessions à 1.5 – 2.0 hr • 115 euro (per session)
online-session 60 min • 60 Euro
· Please don’t eat heavy meals 2 hours before each session.
· Make sure to create a calm space for deep relaxation afterwards being with yourself.
· There should be no more than 10-14 days between each of the 3/5 sessions.