Abhyanga means stroking around. Around the Marmas (anatomical reflex points), the secrets of the body in Ayurveda. A powerful and fine stroking along the energy paths and structures of the body.
Perceiving and feeling these secrets (reflex points) can release tensions and blockages. Contractions and narrowness arises, when we close ourselves to the secrets.
Gentle and conscious touch along the landscape of your body invites to experience a deep connection with yourself. Warm, flowing oil on forehead, heart and belly enwrap your whole being in nurture and care carried by the natural flow of breath. An invitation to sink into the peaceful feeling of your living being.
Gentle and deep strokes support your whole system to deeply relax and let go. The natural breath flow is stimulated and accompanied by sounding. An invitation to merge with conscious touch and movements, to breathe in awareness and feel yourself deeply.
Uniquely selected pieces of music are soothing the soul in the safe space being held. Your entire being is invited to bath whithin these vibrations and sounds.
The Abhyanga Massage detoxifies and purifies the body. It can stimulate the metabolism and supports the mobilization of deposits from the tissues. The lymph flow and blood circulation can be stimulated – the heart activity supported.
The nervous system as well as skin, veins and arteries can be revitalized. The tissue and muscles can be strengthened. Organs can regenerate. Exhaustion and stress may dissolve. And deep relaxation, regeneration and rejuvenation are invited.
60 min • 75 euro
90 min • 100 euro
with Pinda Sveda (warm oil-stemps) • plus 10 euro
with Crystal-Shirodhara • plus 10 euro