The Sattva Retreats offer a safe container in which you are invited to get to lovingly know and explore yourself deeply through Meditation, Cacao Ceremony, Ritual, Yin Hatha Yoga, Journaling, Conscious Movement and more.
What does it mean to meet myself fully? Which parts within myself are not in connection and met? What is my deep longing?
What does it mean to be in contact with the wisdom of the body, nature’s soul and the voice of the heart? How is the relationship with myself?
In the retreats I would like to invite you to meet yourself fresh, new, with curiousity and the spirit of adventure. To let go of images and ideas that you have of yourself and to really feel, perceive and listen – what is coming alive within you and through you – who you really are.
A space in which you can explore yourself at your own pace, in which you may learn to perceive yourself through sensing and feeling, to connect deeply with your body getting to know your inner landscape of feelings, sensations and thoughts. You are invited into a loving, silent presence, which awaits to embrace and touch you to the depths.
Together we enter a space of being, of gentleness and acceptance – a fertile soil to meet yourself in love.
In the Sattva Retreats we approach topics such as self-love, the voice of your heart, the power of your belly, the nature of the mind, the dance of the feminine and masculine within us, accessing feelings within, the wisdom of the body, the intelligence of nature and life and much more.
Each retreat has its own theme and is unfolding spontaneously with the dynamics of the field. I am passionate about sharing my own experiences and work in a practice and body oriented way.
In Yin Hatha Yoga you will be supported individually, learn how to align your body, come into contact with your respiratory system and breath, as well as re-discover your subtle bodily and energetic movements, sensations and feelings. A sense of safety and deep trust within your skin may arise.
In the Meditations you become familiar with the natural movements of the mind and learn to shift the attention from the mind to the body – to drop in and down sinking deep into yourself and connect with the heart and belly space. You will be also accompanied by your natural rhythm of breath.
Rituals and Ceremonies teach you the power of intention and inner alignment. They invite you into deep devotion and humbleness – bowing in front of life itself. Cacao serves you as a teacher to soften, open the heart space and become receptive – allowing her wisdom to guide you.
Conscious Movement invites to express yourself through natural and spontaneous movements of your body – organic, still, wild, slow, static, flowing. A listening of your inner being that is allowed to connect with the rhythms of music and sounds – bound energy can be set free and come into a flow again.
Journaling is a wonderful tool for self-exploration. In the retreat you will learn the basics of being able to guide yourself in your process, becoming aware of your conditioned patterns and learning how to hold yourself.
On your very own and unique journey, I am delighted to accompany you for a little while.
Introduction to Self-Love
What does Self-Love mean?
Heart Circle & Co-Councelling
Conscious sharing and listening in brutal honesty.
Guided Meditations
Like Heart-Meditation & Womb-Meditation.
Ritual of Self-Love
Yin Hatha Yoga Practice
Accompany you individually.
Introduction to Journaling
A tool of Self-Enquiry & Exploration.
Cacao Ceremony
With healing music & sounds.
Conscious Touch & Movement

During the retreat it is quite important for me to a hold a safe space and container as an invitation to meet yourself, to come into contact with yourself, to get to lovingely know and explore yourself. It is essential to create a space in which everything is welcome – whatever may show itself, arises within you, wants to be expressed, seen, heard and felt. You are invited to move freely and allow yourself to take time and space which is needed in that moment.
This space is open to spontaneity and may move differently as planned. In this way I allow myself to adapt the structure of the retreat to the field, the dynamics and the needs of the group sensing what is needed and be taking care of.
The entire Sattva Retreat is held in Social Silence. This means that you are invited to turn your attention inwards and devote your sensory perception to yourself and inner movements. The ability to be present with yourself may be sharpened. You are free to share with the other participants if it supports your process – without ‘chit chat’.
An exchange and sharing with me is possible at any time. I am totally and fully available with an open heart and conscious listening during the retreat schedule times. I also work in the individual sessions with conscious communication and listening – here I would like to encourage you to share in brutal honesty – as a learning process to get closer to yourself.
The Sattva Retreats offer you breaks for regeneration and digestion. You are invited to take care of your basic needs and of yourself. There will be plenty of room for you to contemplate, reflect and integrate. Journaling as a practice of seeing, recognizing, feeling and being with can support you deeply in this process.
In the Sattva Retreats nature is included in Ritual, Ceremony or as a setting for sessions. We can draw immense strength from nature as a healing space – the whole system can vibrate and regenerate in the rhythm of nature. In this way our systems – may there be restlessness, a weak immune system or frustration – can connect to the rhythm of nature like the flow of a mountain’s stream and balance itself again – allowing to be touched by the sound of water and its power.
Resting in the shade of large trees, perceiving their root network, which is deeply anchored in the earth and serves as communication between them. Listening to the chirping of the birds, observe the noble flight of a wild bird and perceive the breath of life within animals. Let yourself be touched by the cosy warmth of the sun, feel the rain on your skin, be caressed by the wind and dream under the starry sky. Nature invites you to explore, take a walk, recharge your system, to deeply rest.
It is very important to me that your system is well nourished during the Sattva Retreat. Therefore a light, easily digestible, vegetarian organic food awaits you, which is ayurvedic and prepared with lots of love. Your incompatibility or peculiarities will gladly be taken into consideration in consultation with me.
I would like to draw your attention to listen to wisdom of your body taking care when there is hunger and feel how much food is needed in that moment – this self-care supports you in your process.

If you want love, do not hide from yourself.
– Rumi
Retreat – Early Bird • 230 euro
Retreat – Regular • 260 euro
Accommodation & Food • 140 – 200 euro
(single- and double room possible)
Location | Mountain Retreat Center, Schweibern 2, 83229 Sachrang bei Aschau, Chiemgau
· Min. 5 & max. 12 participants.
· Please bring a journal & pen.
· Everyone is responsible for their own mental and physical health.
· In case of health problems, please ask your doctor for advice beforehand.
· Please inform me in case of pregnancy.