Out of dissatisfaction and a deep longing to experience who I really am and why I’m here, I began to follow this quiet voice within me. I did not pay much attention to doubtful thoughts and set off on my very personal journey – which I’m on every single day.
In the beginning I found myself in Mexico, where I completed a yoga and meditation teacher training starting to teach for a while. In several silent retreats I was able to connect with the heart space and get in touch with the nature of the mind. Back home my way led me to Andreas Schwarz in South Germany (Allgäu), a wonderful teacher of Yoga & Ayurveda – he deeply inspired me and taught the art of conscious touch, which I am refining in the everyday practice.
Currently I am working with the spiritual teacher Aisha Salem and am learning to meet myself in radical honesty, practicing radical self-love and care – working with the head, heart and especially the belly space and thus the suppressed feelings, sensations, the conditioned patterns and human wound of brokenness. Here I come into contact with topics such as femininity, self-love & hate, grief, helplessness, anger & rage, strength & powerlessness, father & mother wounding, humility, compassion and much more. The whole spectrum of being human.
On the way to meet myself I learn step by step to connect deeply with the body and breath, coming into in-depth feeling and seeing conditioned behaviour and action patterns – and thus recognizing and peeling to their origin. I learn more and more to hold myself – allowing the movements within me and staying there – to be present with what wants to be expressed and felt. This is how I encounter the light and shadow aspects within myself. The joy and love, as well as the fear, doubt and sadness…
The relationship with my partner Sebastian is a daily invitation to be brutally honest and vulnerable – a great teacher in authenticity, patience, gentleness and acceptance. Again and again I meet despair, frustration and fear, yet I still embark on this adventure of life, bringing me closer to true naturalness – teaching to trust its very own flow and thus slowly giving up control.
I love to share these experiences of my own path and the passion for it through the Sattva offerings – Yoga Courses, Yin Immersions, Aurvedic Massages & Holistic Bodywork, Cacao Ceremonies, 1:1 Sessions and Sattva Retreats.
My own processes, insights, obstacles, limitations and experiences flow completely into my work and I see myself as a companion, who offers a safe space, making herself available to be present with and support you in meeting yourself – your deep inner being – at your own pace – as far as you like to go and I am able to accompany you.
I’m delighted if our ways cross and life invites meeting each other one day – exploring, sharing and growing together.
With Love, Elena
The english subtitle of the video will come at some point. Thank you for your patience.